I loved my session, an intimate setting with myself Fritha and Phillippa of the Wednesday weekly cohort. I couldn’t of asked for a better group. As nervous as I was I went first and presented a very structured 20 minute presentation out lining my aims and learning outcomes for the first 5 minutes, followed by my teacher demonstration and class activity for 10 minutes and finishing up with a recap of what we learnt for the last 5 minutes.

Feedback from colleagues Phillippa and Fritha:

My feedback was positive from everyone: well structured, engaging, personable and thought provoking. However, it was noted from my lead tutor, I offered far too much text, detail and did not allow the listeners to engage in an activity that would allow them to self govern/learn independently like my two colleagues had demonstrated extremely well.

He also provided great bedtime reading for this aspiring academic lecturer!